I managed to upload the script by changing the extension to .doc. Here you can download the OmniFocusToThings script, but you need to rename it to .applescript  or copy it into the apple script editor. 

UPDATE: there is a new version of this script from robotii, see comments for the link.


I decided to give cultured code things another try after Jyri reported he is pretty happy with things. I tried a couple month ago, at this time I liked the simple interface but it had not the features I was looking for. Things got better but I still missing a good mail app integration. Omnifocus for example allows you to select what ever text, you press a hot key and vola you have a new task in the inbox. 

Anyhow my biggest problem was to migrate my hounders of task from omni focus to things, so I glued two apple scripts together and improved them up until I had what I was looking for. Thanks to Karels MailToThings script and Robinfrancistrew OF2TaskpaperMail script.

Consider the script alpha, and make sure you update omni focus and things before you try it! Please give me feedback and fix the bugs! 🙂

How to:

1.) Copy the text into a new script document (script editor)

2.) open things and omni focus

3.) switch into a project view of omni focus and select all task you want to import into things.

4.) Start the script and get a beer, the script is super slow since i need ti use key events to communicate with things. 

5.) Clean up the import. The script tries to import all OF meta data as tags, this might be a little messy since also due date etc are used as tags. Feel free to change it in a way it makes sense to you.


-- -------------------------------------
-- the general run method
-- -------------------------------------
on run

display dialog "Should we start? Make sure you have all task in Omni Focus marked you want to import into Thing" buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} default button 1

tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
if number of document window is 0 then
make new document window with properties {bounds:{0, 0, 1000, 500}}
end if
end tell

tell document window 1 of front document
set lstTrees to selected trees of content
if (count of lstTrees) = 0 then
display dialog "Nothing selected in the right-hand panel." & return & return & "Select material to export, and try again." & return
end try
-- Generate a TaskPaper string of the selected content
set blnContext to (selected view mode identifier is not equal to "project")
set lngIndent to 0
my ExportTrees(lstTrees, lngIndent, blnContext)

end if
end tell
end tell
end run
-- -------------------------------------
-- Walks the omni focus tree
-- -------------------------------------
on ExportTrees(lstTrees, lngIndent, blnContextView)
-- if the tree is a task give full detail
-- else just name and any note
-- set strTP to ""

using terms from application "OmniFocus"
repeat with oTree in lstTrees
-- intialize task string
set strTP to ""
set notes to ""
set tags to ""
set oValue to value of oTree
set strName to name of oValue
on error
set strName to "Inbox"
end try
if length of strName > 0 then
set strName to my Esc(strName)
end if

if strName ≠ "Inbox" then
set strNote to note of oValue
if length of strNote > 0 then
set strNote to my Esc(strNote)
end if
end if

set clValue to class of oValue
if (clValue is not equal to task) and (clValue is not equal to inbox task) then

-- Project or Folder
if clValue is not equal to folder then
if clValue is not equal to project then
--Inbox (No details)
set strTP to strTP & "Inbox:" & return

-- Project (Name and possibly note)
if length of strName > 0 then
set strTP to strTP & strName & ":" & return
if length of strNote > 0 then
set notes to strNote & return
end if
end if
end if
-- Folder (Just name - no note)
set strTP to strTP & strName & ":" & return
end if

else -- Task (with details from specified columns)

-- set recFields to {fldName:name of oValue, fldNote:note of oValue, fldDone:completed of oValue, fldContext:strContext, fldStartDate:start date of oValue, flddueDate:due date of oValue, fldDoneDate:completion date of oValue, fldDuration:estimated minutes of oValue, fldFlagged:flagged of oValue}

-- write first line of task, followed by tags
set lstLines to paragraphs of strName

set strTP to strTP & item 1 of lstLines

-- Add any tags
set oContext to context of oValue
if oContext is not equal to missing value then
set tags to " @" & name of oContext & ","
end if

set dteStart to start date of oValue
if dteStart is not equal to missing value then
set tags to tags & " @start(" & my DateString(dteStart) & ")" & ","
end if

set dteDue to due date of oValue
if dteDue is not equal to missing value then
set tags to tags & " @due(" & my DateString(dteDue) & ")" & ","
end if

set lngDurn to estimated minutes of oValue
if lngDurn is not equal to missing value then
set tags to tags & " @mins(" & (lngDurn as string) & ")" & ","
end if

if flagged of oValue then
set tags to tags & " @flag" & ","
end if

if completed of oValue then
set tags to tags & " @done" & ","
end if

-- project if we know
set aProject to containing project of oValue
if aProject is not equal to missing value then
set tags to tags & " @" & name of aProject & ","
end if

set strTP to strTP & return

-- write any remaining lines of task as note text
if length of lstLines > 1 then
repeat with strLine in rest of lstLines
set strLine to my RTrim(strLine)
if length of strLine > 0 then
-- change any trailling : to :-, to avoid misinterpretation as a header
if last character of strLine ≠ ":" then
set notes to notes & strLine & return
set notes to notes & strLine & "-" & return
end if
end if
end repeat
end if

-- append any attached note text
set lstLines to paragraphs of strNote

repeat with strLine in lstLines
set strLine to my RTrim(strLine)
if length of strLine > 0 then
-- change any trailling : to :-
if last character of strLine ≠ ":" then
set notes to notes & strLine & return
set notes to notes & strLine & "-" & return
end if
end if
end repeat

end if

-- if the current node has sub-trees then recurse
set lstSubTrees to trees of oTree
if (count of lstSubTrees) > 0 then
if (clValue ≠ project) and (clValue ≠ item) then
set lngNewIndent to lngIndent + 1
set lngNewIndent to lngIndent
end if
set strTP to strTP & ExportTrees(lstSubTrees, lngNewIndent, blnContextView)
end if
-- my log_event(my Esc(strTP))
my createThingTask(my Esc(strTP), my Esc(notes), tags)
end repeat
end using terms from

end ExportTrees
-- -------------------------------------
-- trims a text
-- -------------------------------------
on RTrim(someText)
local someText

repeat until someText does not end with return
if length of someText > 1 then
set someText to text 1 thru -2 of someText
set someText to ""
end if
end repeat

return someText
end RTrim
-- -------------------------------------
-- converts dates into a string
-- -------------------------------------
on DateString(dte)
-- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm
set strDate to ""
if dte is not equal to missing value then
set lngMonth to month of dte as integer
set strMonth to lngMonth as string
if lngMonth < 10 then set strMonth to "0" & strMonth

set lngDay to day of dte as integer
set strDay to lngDay as string
if lngDay 0) or (lngmins > 0) then
set strHrs to lngHrs as string
if lngHrs < 10 then set strHrs to "0" & strHrs

set strMins to lngmins as string
if lngmins 1 then

set strNew to item 1 of lstParts
repeat with n from 2 to lngParts
set strNew to strNew & replace & item n of lstParts
end repeat
set text item delimiters to strOldDelim
return strNew
set text item delimiters to strOldDelim
return str
end if
end EscAmpersand
-- -------------------------------------
-- A simple logging mechanism
-- -------------------------------------

on log_event(theMessage)
set theLine to (do shell script ¬
"date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'" as string) ¬
& " " & theMessage
do shell script "echo " & "\"" & theLine & "\"" & ¬
" >> /import-events.log"
end log_event

-- -------------------------------------
-- import the task into things, we have to use key events
-- and the clipboard since things do not have apple script support yet
-- -------------------------------------
on createThingTask(subject, notes, tags)
activate application "Things"

-- jump to inbox
delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \"0\" using {option down, command down}"
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

-- create new task
delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \"n\" using command down"
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

-- set subject
set the clipboard to subject

delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \"v\" using command down"
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

-- jump to tags
delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \" \""
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

set the clipboard to tags

delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \"v\" using command down"
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

-- jump to notes
delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \" \""
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

set the clipboard to notes

delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \"v\" using command down"
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

delay 1
set timeoutSeconds to 1.0
set uiScript to "keystroke \" \""
my doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)

end createThingTask





-- -------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------
on doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)
set endDate to (current date) + timeoutSeconds
run script "tell application \"System Events\"
" & uiScript & "
end tell"
exit repeat
on error errorMessage
if ((current date) > endDate) then
error "Can not " & uiScript
end if
end try
end repeat
end doWithTimeout